I started this company as a concerned parent. I have been involved in sports my whole life. It scares me to death whenever I hear about kids getting some virus from their equipment that has never been properly sanitized ! For such a small price to pay, we can prevent days of hospital visits and lengthy stays for treatment. There are so many viruses out there today that can be destroyed by our method. The scariest of them being the M.R.S.A. virus that is virtually untreatable !! I hope you become proactive in the proper sanitizing of your equipment. Thank You for your interest in our business, Sincerely, Serge Paolillo....Owner/Operator
If this system is good enough for the pros, isn't it good enough for your kids ????
Stay ahead of the game and take the M.R.S.A. out of your kids gear before M.R.S.A takes your kids out of the game !!!!!!